Hamster Babies
Important : Don't touch the babies! Your act might hurt the babies and change its scent therefore confuses the mother. She'll think that they're not hers, abandon them and worst she might even eat the babies. Don't cleaning up the cage within this period to avoid any stress to the mother. As none of the babies had opened their eyes yet, it's advisable to place them at the bottom of the cage.
You can hold them after the two weeks ‘important’ period but only for a brief period as not to disturb or stress the mom or babies. You can also clean up the cage and place fresh beddings in most of it. Remove just the soiled parts in the nest area and put a good portion of the old bedding in it. After it's cleaned up you can put the babies followed by the mother back in the nest .
They should figure out how the bottle works, once the babies eyes are opened (which should happen on the 11-12 days, but some take less/more). Put it lower and in an area where they often go, in order for them to reach it easily. You can give them pieces of cucumbers to prevent dehydration if they haven’t figured out how to use the bottle and you are worried about them not drinking enough. To avoid them from falling in and drown or catch a cold, don't put water in a bowl.
At three weeks, you can isolated the babies if you detect any fighting among them but if they seem young, less developed and not quite independent enough to leave mom just yet, let them stay together until they are four weeks old. They can be placed in new homes and play in new environment when they reach five weeks old, self-sufficient and have a healthy enhancement.
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